Teseo product range
Why buy a Teseo modular piping system?
A moden modular pipework system allows you to eliminate "hidden" costs, often not made clear when planning the investment:
- Costs for leakages, one of the heaviest charges with traditional piping;
- Costs of the air treatment, maintenance or repairing machines and tools;
- Costs for downtime and labour for each modification to the installation;
- Costs for the low flow rate and high pressure drop due to the friction against the inner surface of traditional galvanised steel pipe

TESEO modular aluminum piping systems allows
1. Fast installation
2. Quick positioning of additional outlets
3. Easy changes in pipe layout
4. Clean and smooth inner and outer surfaces
Hollow Bar System (HBS)   Alluminium Pipework (AP)

HBS was the first modular air line system created by TESEO at the begining of


AP is the latest generation of modular piping system developed be TESEO.

Air Track Supply (ATS)   Swinging Arm Bracket (SAB)

ATS is a trolley with a point of use for compressed air, and it runs on modular


SAB is a swinging arm completely made of anodized aluminium, available in a

Work Bench for Assembly (WBA)   Air Manifold (AM)

WBA is a workbench equipped for assembly activity operated with pneumatic tool


C.A.M is a revoultionary manifold for the distribution of compressed air and

Modular Air Trolley (MAT)   Drilling Tool (DT)

MAT is a trolley that fits directly onto the distribution line HBS 50, equipped


DT is a tool allows to drill a TESEO installation under pressure.

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